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I've been wanting to make Alton Brown's Brownies (LOCAL with additional recipes[@rev]). I used the first one ("Cocoa Brownies 2.0")

The pan I used was 9"x9" (81 sq in) instead of 8"x8" (64 sq in.) so I approximated 1.266 as 1.25.

I really think I followed the recipe having and did it all in weights but the batter came out so unbelievably thick! It was almost like dough. I had to really press it into the pan!

I baked it at 315°F since our oven runs a bit cool. I did the 15 min in the oven, 15 min out, and then I aimed for 25 min. Unfortunately, that was a bit too long by temp as I was at 205°F, not 195°.

Despite the super thick dough and extra cooking time, they were not too dry but were super, super dense.

I am honestly not sure about them. They are really good and really rich but maybe too rich?

Next time I would be more careful with temps, times, and double check ingredients. Also, I didn't sift everything (it wasn't in the 2.0 recipe) but I wish I had. Just to get out more clumps (does brown sugar sift?).

I did use non-Dutched cocoa but I may try with the dutched in the future since others seem to report it's better.

Super thick batter Very dense crumb